Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Main Camp

This is where most of the action happens. We may change where our camp is from time to time because we move a lot, but it is, in essence, the same. The main camp is a clearing surrounded by the tents. There is a bright bonfire in the center, which grows higher and shines brighter according to the camp morale, surrounded by smooth stones, and sticks for roasting marshmellows (yum!).

1 comment:

  1. The hunters sat together in a circle, they pass marshmallow bags to eachother, and sang a song: We are the Hunters
    We're ready for anything
    The camp's full of laughter
    And we'll always sing
    After the song was done, Kaiyla lifted her silver goblet in a toast with the hunters. "For Artemis, our leader, the goddess of the moon." The hunters followed her lead, before drinking.
    "Good night," Kaiyla called. "Today's night patrol was Stella, Alannia, Zoey, and Mira."
    Kaiyla stayed behind a few moments before she went to her tent with the other senior hunters.
