Monday, April 26, 2010

Welcome Hunters!

Welcome to the Hunt! I am Kaiyla, our lady Artemis' lieutenant. If you are a girl, please feel free to join us. If you are a boy, well...let's put it this way: do you want to be turned into a jackalope or a horned toad?

Providing you are a maiden, please fill out the form below to join the Hunt.

Age (9-15):
History (optional):

If you want a pet:

Type (only wolf or falcon):

A few notes:

The ranks are as follows:
-lieutenant (that's me!)
-full hunter (warrior)
-healer (is the best at healing, does most of the medicine work)
-healer's trainee (in training to become a healer)
-huner in training (in training to become a hunter, usually one of the younger or more inexperienced members of the Hunt)

Huntresses are demigods, mortals, of nymphs, but we do not discriminate.

Keep in mind that you will be immortal unless you fall in battle, or break your oath of forswearing love forever.

Farewell for now! I hope to see you in the Hunt later on!


  1. Name: Cassidy (love that name!! ;) HAHA)
    Age (9-15): 14
    Rank*: full hunter (warrior)
    Description: unknown until i get a pic
    Personality: beautiful, nice, ,loyal, courageous, clever, and forgiving.

    History (optional): none
    Picture: could u get me one?
    Other: HIIIII!!!!!!!


  2. Alright, would you like a huntress-y sort of pic, or just one of a regular girl?


  3. Name: Alannia
    Age: 13
    Rank: Full Hunter
    Description: She's tallish with long wavy blonde hair and she has violet eyes.
    Personality: She is very nice but can sometimes have an edge if annoyed or stressed.
    History: Is a half-blood, daughter of Demeter.
    Picture: Don't have one, but I'd like a Hunter-y one, please.

    Pet type: Wolf
    Name: Adonis
    Personality: Fierce in battle but kind and a good hunter (for food)
    Description: His pelt changes color depending on where he is to blend in.
    Picture: Again, no pic! Sorry!

    That's all, thanks!

  4. Name: Zoey
    Age (9-15): 14
    Rank*: Full Hunter
    Description: 14-Year-Old teenager with stunning black hair and electric blue eyes
    Personality: Funny and can be a great friend, but is very serious when it comes to the hunt
    History (optional): Daughter of Zues
    Picture: Can you get it off of this website? Thanks, Zoey's pic is Zoey's pic.
    Other: She is secretly still in love with Jack

    Name: Aleu
    Type (only wolf or falcon): Wolf
    Personality/Description: Silver wolf that is friendly to Zoey and Jack and only Zoey and Jack

  5. Name: Allana
    Age (9-15): 13
    Rank*: Full Hunter (Warrior)
    Description: Tall dark blond wavy hair, violet eyes
    Personality: Brave, wise, confident,
    History (optional): Her history is a secret, and no one knows it but her...
    Picture: I couldn't find one, would you for me?
    Other: uh.................

  6. OK, Oceanwing, can you change the name because it's a little too close to Ripplestar's name and I will get TOTALLY CONFUSED!!!! Thanks! I will try to add a chatbox soon.

  7. Allana's new name: Rose, or Sierra?
    ~ Rose? Sierra? IDK which one you pick???

  8. OKAY! BUT!!!! ROSE MUST HAVE ALL THE SAME INFO!!! Even if she LOOKS like Allania (I picked her name and info from a series i read) I really want ALL the info i put down!!! PLEASE! Thanks!
    P.s. I decided on Rose, thanks!

  9. Name: Sheira
    Age (9-15): 15
    Rank*: full hunter
    Description: pretty brunette with curly hair.
    Personality: brave, strong, caring, and is really smart
    History (optional): She was the daughter of Athena after someone broke her heart she let Artemis take her in when she was 10.
    Other: Nothing?

    If you want a pet:

    Type (only wolf or falcon):

  10. OK Payton. And Rose-the info was fine, just the name you needed to change. Thank you!

  11. oohh forgot about the wolf! :D

    Name: Alado
    Type (only wolf or falcon): Wolf
    Personality/Description: beautiful white wolf

  12. Okay! I think I'll make someone with a falcon now! :D

  13. Name: Selene
    Age (9-15): 15
    Rank*: full hunter
    Description: brunette with brown eyes
    Personality: caring, smart, funny, and loves nature, has a bright personality
    History (optional): she is the daughter of Apollo and left to be with her aunt and her hunters.
    Picture: Picture of Parker at Wolf Coven
    Other: she still kind of likes guys but she will respect Artemis

    If you want a pet:

    Name: Falco
    Type (only wolf or falcon): Falcon
    Personality/Description: smart, fast, and cares about Selene a lot

  14. you need a cbox :P

  15. Yes, anon, I'm getting one!!!!!

    Btw, would anyone want to be a healer? It's like a med. cat. We REALLY need one!!!!!!

  16. Cassidy is getting a pet now.....

    Name: Luna
    Type (only wolf or falcon): wolf
    Personality/Description: a beautiful mixed female wolf that is very loyal to Cassidy.

  17. And sorry about not replying about Cassidy's pic, but how about you make it lok like a huntress?

  18. Name:Zealia
    Age (9-15): 12
    Rank*: Hunter in training
    Description: Delicately built with long wavy white-blond hair and blue eyes.
    Personality: She's really quiet and her younger sister died so she's sad and she spends most of her time with her wolf, Charis.
    History (optional): She's a half-blood, the daughter of Apollo.
    Other: Her wolf is silvery and small like her.
    Picture for Charis:

  19. Name:Cassie
    Age (9-15):14
    Rank:hunter in training
    Description: brown hair, green eyes
    Personality:kind, moody, has a firey temper
    History (optional):can't remember and nobody knows
    Picture:can you find me one?

  20. P.S.- She is a half-blood daughter of Demeter.

  21. Alrightly the name game again. Can you change her name? It's close to Cassidy and I will get SO CONFUSED!!! I wouldn't mind Massie or Lassie (lol).

  22. Eliza
    Full Hunter
    Red hair with green eyes
    sporty, firey, and very funny.
    demigod daughter of Ares
    she has a twin sister Jaycee.

    Full Hunter
    Red hair with green eyes
    a lil less sporty then Eliza, cunning and quiet
    demigod duaghter of Ares
    twin sister Eliza

    will get pets later

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. oh, ok. You can make it April.

  25. annabeth
    hunter in training
    blond hair with a streak of gold red eyes
    protects her fellow hunters,nice and Always has a plan
    demigod child of Persephone

  26. Artemis
    Kind,light brown, some of the time
    blue eyes,strong and independent like Artemis

  27. name :Jojo Age:11 Rank:hunter in training Description:Super dark brown hair Brown eyes milk chocolate brown skin. brave smart loyal and shy PET white wolf loyal like her owner

  28. do healers get to fight

  29. Name: Poppy
    Age (9-15):14

    Rank*:Full Hunter

    Description:Black hair, with dark silvery,purple streak. Skinny&tall.Glowing eyes that change from blue, silver & purple depending on the mood.

    Personality:Funny, kind, hard-working & loyal.

    History (optional):raised by mortals, but a father never known.Mother a goddess, but left after 2 years old. Don't know the biological parents, really.


    Other: Mother is (suprisingly) Hera

    If you want a pet:
    Type (only wolf or falcon):Wolf
    Personality/Description:Loyal,Independent. Pure Black, and shines sliver in the moonlight.Big.:P looks vicious, but is actually very kind.


  30. Name= Azrael, Daughter of Hades.

    Age= 9 but I'm immortal so don't judge me on my age.PS: I have an IQ of Athena's daughter.

    Rank= Full hunter. Daddy let me join after threaterning Artemis if I got hurt.

    Description- Black hair that goes to lower back. It's normally braided. Nor Pale nor Tan skin. It's in the middle. Skull ring,necklace and anclet. Black eyes but they have a wierd Hades fire in them. If angry look like deatha nd if happy look like death. Hmmm Lots of death. I wear black and silver clothes only. Cause im allegic to pink or bright colours. Oh Im super short too.

    History= Mum was killed in birth and Daddy ( he's Hades) took me to Alecto. Alecto and Daddy raised me. I am friends with Hestia and Ceberus. Cebe is a softie despite his appearence. I joined when I was eight turning nine at midnight. I only joined after Daddy said that if anything happened to his princess then he would kill them. He has done it 11 000 times:)

    Other: I hate hate hate hate hate hate x1000000000 boys. dats why I joined Artemis.

    Pet: I have wolf plus ferret.

    Wolf= Pure black with glowing red eyes. names Death and he bites anyone even Artemis. He is only protective to me and is known to try to kill every boy in sight. He is immortal and has killed 3 hunters when they attacked me.

    Ferret= daddy got me one when i was born and it has bitten anyone who tries to take him away. Names Killer and hes black with glowing red eyes. So cutttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    Thanx for listeneing. Im Azrael, daughter of Hades, Hunter of Artemis, Death that lives, Daddy's Princess

  31. Azrael, daughter of HAdes is saying that the picture of her is gothic-girls-collection-20.jpg

    Her ferret is dsc 1198.jpg

    Signing off, Azrael, Daddy's princess

  32. Name:Aleia
    Age (9-15):13
    Rank*:Full hunter
    Description:Wavy Honey-blond hair, forestgreen eyes with strokes of lightning through them, very good ears and eyes, and an olive-y skin. I wear mostly darkblue and silvery clothes. Hair is sometimes braided, sometimes in a ponytail and sometimes just hanging loose.I'm tall neither small.
    Personality: I am mysterious about myself, but I like listening to others' stories and funny people. I can be very sad sometimes, but listening to music makes me feel better. I worry about other people much. I am loyal, righteous and caring.
    History (optional): I'm originally from the Netherlands, but I wanted a mythological life so I joined the Hunters. Zeus is my father.
    Picture: Could you get me one? Maybe something with the moon or so because I love the moon! <3
    Other: I don't hate boys, I just don't fall in love with them. A male friend once broke my heart by saying he never wanted to see me again, that's why I joined the Hunters. But I DON'T hate them, that's just how they are. They can't help it, you know.

    If you want a pet:

    Type (only wolf or falcon):Wolf
    Personality/Description:Aknecai is a white wolf with stunning blue eyes. She is very loyal and mysterious. She only listens to Aleia and no one else but Aleia knows what she really thinks. She loves snow.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Name: Natalia.

    Age: 14.

    Rank: Full Hunter.

    Description: Tall and Slim, Beautiful Wavy Brown Hair, Delicate Eyebrows, Daring Grey Eyes, Clear Skin.

    Personality: Natalia is loyal and most of the time, tends to keep to herself - she's a mystery to most of the other hunters. Natalia is determined, strategic and independent.

    History: Natalia joined the Hunt long ago because the love of her life left, and took her heart with him . . .


    Other: No one knows this, but Natalia still wears the pearl necklace her lover gave her before he left.

  35. Name: Loretta
    Age: 15
    Rank: Healer (The first Healer!!!)
    Description: Soft Blonde Curls, Stormy Sea Green Eyes, Porcelain Skin, Pale Pink lips
    Personality: Loretta is very artistic, intelligent, and kind. She is also very open minded but can be very blunt at times, and has a habit of talking a mile a minute.
    History: Loretta's a demi-god, but was not claimed so she does not know who her Godly Parent is. She joined the Hunters because she admired their skills and wide range of abilities.

  36. Name: Diana Vautin
    Age: 11
    Rank*: Hunter in training
    Description: Dark Brown hair streaked with other colors, chocolate brown eyes, brown glasses, Olive tone skin.
    Personality: Diana is a fun yet serious person. She is often described as wierd, but can be funny at the right times. Look out for when she gets into one of her moods. She becomes deadly.
    History (optional): None for now! ;)

  37. Name:Becca
    Rank:full hunter
    Description:tall athletic build.With brown hair and blonde highlights that is down to my back. She has green eyes and a light tan. Demigod daughter of Poseidon.
    Personalighty: loves to be fun but can be serious when needed. But when you cross her friends or family watch out.
    Can I have a wolf pup as a pet?

  38. Pic: http://celeb/

    By the way it's becca

  39. Name: Sophia Ross

    Age (9-15):11

    Rank*: Hunter-In-Training

    Description: Sophia is a daughter of Hades. She has slightly dark brown hair and big beautiful chocolate colored eyes.

    Personality: Sophia is almost always singing. It's slightly backwards, considering her father. She is a brave and loyal person and will do anything for her friend Diana Vautin

    History (optional): Sophia came to the hunt when she and Diana found out about their existence. They have stuck together no matter what they are facing.


  40. Name: Jeslyn
    Age:9 going on 10
    Ranks: Healers trainee
    Description: Brunette, short, brown hair. Brown eyes, plump, tanned skin.
    Pic: Can you find it for me?
    Other: Jeslyn is a mortal.:(


  41. Name: Mira Shukara
    Age: 12
    Rank: Full Hunter
    Description: Daughter of Demeter
    Personality: Caring, Kind, Cunning, Loves Music
    History: The last decendant of the Imperial Chinese Family

    Other: I'll be honored to be accepted, Thank You

    If you want a pet:
    Name: Nightshade
    Type (only wolf or falcon): Wolf
    Personality/Description: Stunningly beautiful, grey body with white highlights.

    1. btw, that girl picture wasn't me, it's my friend


  42. Name: Mira Shukara
    Age: 12
    Rank: Full Hunter
    Description: She has black long hair, grey eyes and light pink lips.
    Personality: She is caring, kind, trustable, and loves music. One of her talents was singing. And she loves to daydream.
    History: She is the last descendant of the Imperial Chinese Family. She found a secret room in the palace in a field trip with her friends, and opened a compartment with scrolls. Her name was in one of the list. She also knew that she was the Daughter of Demeter and was forced to leave the whole family because for them it’s a disgrace for their Gods. She found Artemis and Artemis let her join the hunt.
    Picture: Please give me a pic
    If you want a pet:
    Name: Nightshade
    Type (only wolf or falcon): Wolf
    Personality/Description: Stunningly beautiful, grey body with white highlights.
