Wednesday, April 28, 2010


"New maidens are joining the Hunt!", Kaiyla called, "Welcome Rose and Shiera! Repeat after me," she said, turning to the two girls, "I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis, turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt." Rose and Shiera repeated the pledge, and a silver mist rose from the ground, enveloping the two new hunters. Kaiyla looked proudly at them. We are growing each day...

Both of you will be staying in the Tent of the Snow!

New Members

"Hunters!", Kaiyla called out, her clear voice echoing around the camp. "We have new hunters joining us today: Cassidy, Lily, Alannia, and Zoey." She turned to the four girls standing in front of her. "Repeat this pledge, and join the Hunt: I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis, turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt." The four girls repeated the pledge, Zoey looking a little uncomfortable. A silvery mist swirled around the girls. "Lily will be a hunter-in-training for now, because of her age," Kaiyla announced, "and she will be in the Tent of the Summer Breeze. Cassidy and Alannia will be staying in the Tent of the Snow, and Zoey will be living in the Tent of the Stars with me. Thank you! You are dismissed."

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tent of the Summer Breeze

This is probably the most sought-after tent in the Hunt. It is a golden-brown color, and the inside is always warm. However, only some hunters-in-training get to sleep here, though most hunters stop by to visit and enjoy the warmth.

Tent of the Night Lily

Some hunters-in-training sleep here. This tent is the color of the night lily, and there is a faint scent inside that smells of the flower.

Tent of the Snow

This tent is pure white, with off-white sewn snowflakes. The inside has a huge snowflake rug. The average-aged full hunters sleep here.

Tent of the Mist

This shimmery gray-blue tent is where the average-aged full hunters sleep. It is always slightly foggy inside.

Tent of the Moon

The healer(s) and healer apprentices sleep here, along with some of the oldest huntresses. The tent has a black background, and is decorated with silk crescent moons in blue, silver, purple, and gold.

Tent of Stars

This tent is where the lieutenant and older huntresses sleep. The outside and inside is covered with stars and constellations in the pattern that they are above the area in which we are staying.

Artemis's Tent

Artemis sleeps and holds counsel with the lieutenant and healer(s) here. The tent is made of silvery silk, with a self-burning brazier of flame and silk rugs and pillows inside. The walls are decorated with various animal pelts (don't worry, Artemis replenishes whatever she has hunted).

Main Camp

This is where most of the action happens. We may change where our camp is from time to time because we move a lot, but it is, in essence, the same. The main camp is a clearing surrounded by the tents. There is a bright bonfire in the center, which grows higher and shines brighter according to the camp morale, surrounded by smooth stones, and sticks for roasting marshmellows (yum!).

Monday, April 26, 2010

Welcome Hunters!

Welcome to the Hunt! I am Kaiyla, our lady Artemis' lieutenant. If you are a girl, please feel free to join us. If you are a boy, well...let's put it this way: do you want to be turned into a jackalope or a horned toad?

Providing you are a maiden, please fill out the form below to join the Hunt.

Age (9-15):
History (optional):

If you want a pet:

Type (only wolf or falcon):

A few notes:

The ranks are as follows:
-lieutenant (that's me!)
-full hunter (warrior)
-healer (is the best at healing, does most of the medicine work)
-healer's trainee (in training to become a healer)
-huner in training (in training to become a hunter, usually one of the younger or more inexperienced members of the Hunt)

Huntresses are demigods, mortals, of nymphs, but we do not discriminate.

Keep in mind that you will be immortal unless you fall in battle, or break your oath of forswearing love forever.

Farewell for now! I hope to see you in the Hunt later on!