Saturday, May 15, 2010


In the afternoon, the camp was a busy place, as usual. Hunters walked back and forth, some with rabbits, birds, or baskets of vegetables in their hands. Some sat by the fire, roasting the game that they had caught or tending to the flames. Stella and Cassidy walked by, deep in a discussion about proper bow technique. Kaiyla stepped out of her tent, surveying the scene. All was well in the camp. Artemis will be pleased, Kaiyla thought contentedly.

Suddenly, a bright silvery glow appeared in the sky. Several hunters raised their heads to look at it, and soon the whole camp was shielding their eyes against the blinding light. A silvery chariot with intricatley carved sides and golden accents descended out of the sky. The chariot landed lightly on the snow, silver sparkles flitting from it and falling to the ground. Where they touched the snow, snowdrops sprung up from the frozen ground. Kaiyla stepped forward in awe.

A girl no older than thirteen walked lightly, almost floating, down on the chariot's silver steps. She had auburn hair that hung down her back in a loose plait, and silvery-yellow eyes the color of the moon. "My Hunters!", she called out to the camp, "For those who do not know, I am Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt." The faces of the Hunters were stunned, disbelieving. Kaiyla stepped forward and bowed to Artemis. The rest of camp followed suit.

"Oh, stop it!", Artemis blushed. "Three thousand years and I still don't get used to the bowing...", she muttered to herself. Kaiyla forced herself not to laugh, then stepped forward to Artemis. "M'lady, we have grown much in your absence. We have six new Hunters: Rose, Selene, Cassidy, Shiera, Zoey, and Alannia. We also have three hunters-in-training: Stella, Lily, and Zelia."
"Excellent!", Artemis said, surveying the crowd before her. "I would like to meet all of you."


  1. Stella walked forward cautiously. "Ah, Stella, is it?", Artemis asked.
    "Yes m'lady," Stella answered.
    "Pleased to meet you. You're the daughter of Athena, correct?"
    "Excellent! We need thinkers in the Hunt--not that any of you don't suffice," Artemis added quickly.

  2. Name: Acadia
    Rank: Hunter in training
    About: She was a twin but never met her sister. She is the daughter of Athena.
    Like: Acadia is kind but protective she is smart and gentle and always has a plan but at the same time ready time fight whenever needed.
    Wolf: Acadia has a wolf named Osiris he is white and loyal and ready to protect just like her.
    Why: She joined the hunt because she admired them.

  3. I forgot to say one more thing about Acadia she is 13 years old.

  4. Osiris's pic

  5. Name: Sparta
    Rank: Hunter in training
    Like: Mysterious, Brave, Kind, Understanding, quiet.
    Age: 12
    Why?: I am here because my parents abused me and then they got killed I was put in a orphanage but ran away. I am brave and ready for the Hunt
    Pet: Black wolf named Constance she is a girl.
    Pet Pic:
    About me: I grew up on a shore side. With a sister named Leah and a cat named Raihna my parents abused me and leah but sense Leah was so little there abuse killed her. Then my parents died out on there boat while I was home with Raihna.

  6. Name: Leena
    Rank: Full Hunter
    Like: Happy, Funny, Spunky, Caring, Brave, and has a colorful personalty{She is daughter of Goddess Iris. Iris isn't a very popular Goddess but she does eggzist{I no I spelt it wrong I just don't no how to spell it}Trust me she does}
    About Her: She joined the hunt because she admired Artemis a lot.
    Pet: White wolf Named Selena
    Pet Pic:

  7. Skyheart (too lazy to sign in)May 16, 2010 at 10:08 AM

    Okay guys, thanks for joining but next time can you post it on the 'join page' please? If you go down to 'blog archive' and click on the arrow next to 'april' the post link is at the bottom.

  8. Skyheart (too lazy to sign in)May 16, 2010 at 10:10 AM

    Oh, and Leena, Iris is one of my fave goddesses!!! So I do know who she is.

  9. "Greetings, my lady," said Alannia, bowing.

    "Hello. You are...?"

    "Alannia. And this is my friend Zelia."

    "Uh, g-greetings, m'lady Artemis," said Zelia breathlessly.

  10. "Hello M'lady." Rose said.
    "Rose isn't it?"
    Rose nodded.
    "You are troubled, why don't you tell me?" asked Artemis kindly.
    "I heard two boys in the woods today... They were looking for us... And-and one sounded like my brother... He was killed by my own father, who threatened to kill me... Thats why I joined the hunt... But don't tell anyone! Except maybe Kaiyla... BUt sorry to bother you, I just came to meet you!"
    "It is fine, I enjoy it when my hunters tell me their problems, and I will protect all of my hunters, you remember that."
    Rose nodded and hurried away.


  11. Artemis turned away from Rose, troubled by what she had heard. So many of my hunters have suffered much heartbreak... Artemis looked at her lieutenant. Even Kaiyla...
    Only Artemis and Kaiyla knew the true nature of Kaiyla--that she was still searching for her love, relentless, unable to let go of the past. Artemis didn't know what she would do if Kaiyla left the Hunt before her second choice for lieutenant returned.
    Ahhh, Zoë. The girl had gone on a mission by herself to the Underworld and hadn't returned since. Artemis was starting to get worried, although she shouldn't be. Nothing seemed to touch Zoë.

  12. I am Mira Shukara, as I must say, I am delighted

  13. Mira stood from her seat, and opened Artemis's tent flap. "Milady, "she said. " When I am heading towards the forest to collect some berries and wood, I saw two men following me" Artemis looked up. "I tell them to stop, but they kept following me. When I hide, they continued ahed to the camp, so I used the hidden shortcut and teleported." She lifted her moon pendant. To be con...

  14. Artemis frowned, then stepped outside. "I've been alerted that 2 males has entered thee camp. We must leave"

  15. The hunters packed their things, and left the place in hurry. They ran to a lovely silvery meadoow and set up the camp. Artemis watched them. Then, the two men that Mira spoke about erlier came by. "There they are!" Mira shouted....

  16. Artemis stepped forward. "Please, we need you to leave," The two men shook their heads. "We want that girl, the prince needs a date, but nobody pleased him, although, that girl certainly did." the men pointed to Mira. "But, we can't!" Kaiyla shouted. She hugged Mira tight. "She's just joining."
    "Then we'll speak with the prince." Artemis declared. "Fine," the first men answered. "BUt only a few are allowed in."
    Artemis sighed. "Stella, Zelia, Alannia, Zoey, and Kaiyla." she chose.
    Then, the 7 girls followed the two men.

  17. The prince was stunning, with blue eyes and blond goldish hair. "What's your name, girl," he asked. "Mira," Mira replied, her eyes sharp at the prince. "And, I don't want to be your date."
    The prince looked stunned. "What? Why no?" he asked, then he touched her black hair. Mira pulled her hairpin, and pressed it. It went long, and before the prince could blink, it turned to a staff. "We don't take orders," Mira said. Artemis nodded. The hunters walked away, boots clamming against marble floors.
    They got rid of the guards quickly, and teleported back to their fellow hunters.
