Monday, May 31, 2010


Artemis stood up and blew her hunting horn. The Hunters turned to look at their leader. Artemis spoke clearly, "I have been alerted that there is a sphinx in the area." There were murmurs from the crowd, but Artemis continued,
"For those who don't know, a sphinx is a creature with a female human head and a lion's body. They are very cunning and wily, and like to play mind games on people. Do not underestimate them. They are extremelly dangerous, and have many combat skills as well as mental ones. Be prepared!"
"There will be three groups," she announced, "One to lure the sphinx, one to follow it from behind, and another to catch it in front of us. The group to lure the sphinx will be Cassidy, who will lead, Zoey, Selene, and Stella. The one that follows from behind will be me, I will lead, Shiera, Rose, Jaycee, Zelia, and Sparta. The group that waits will be Kaiyla, who will lead, Alannia, Eliza, Leena, Lily, and Acadia.
We leave at dawn."


  1. Zelia nodded, her blue eyes fierce and determined. Alannia came over and put her hand on her shoulder. She had sort of become Zelia's older sister in the month she had been here.

  2. Cassidy gathered the huntresses Artemis directed her to lead, and ran into the forest, bow in hand. She swiftly ran through the forest, silent as the air, making sure to keep looking behind her to make sure the others were keeping up. She held up a hand to signal the group to a stop. She heard some crunching of twigs, and the rustle of bushes-- right to her left. Something hopped out of the shadows. It was the sphinx. Cassidy was unprepared for the huge size of the sphinx. It must be really powerful, she thought. But it was her job to distract it, to she did. "Hey sphinx!" Cassidy yelled, thinking of what to say next. "Over here you big fat odorous scumbag!" The sphinx was outraged, and started for the huntresses. "Now run, RUN! And if it gets too close, feel free to shoot at it!" Cassidy yelled loudly. The thumping of the sphinx's heavy feet was scaring her. Oh please do hurry up and kill this thing, Cassidy thought to the other group. She ran really fast, but made sure not to lose sight of the sphinx, in case it gave up, spoiling Artemis's plans. Act weak, Cassidy thought. She stopped and stuck her tongue out at the sphinx- which was a really, REALLY stupid thing to do, she later realized. The sphinx glared at her and picked up speed rapidly. Cassidy then decided she had to go her fastest, but to stay behind the rest of the group because they were partly her responsibility since Artemis appointed her to leads them. "RUN!!" Cassidy screamed. They all ran as fast as they could, shooting arrows at the sphinx to keep it at bay. It had been about fifteen minutes or so- when the other group had finally found them and the sphinx. They attacked the sphinx from behind, allowing Cassidy's group to take a moment or two to rest. But they still had to sidetrack the sphinx, so she yelled a loud obnoxious scream right by the sphinx's ears. It turned around for a split second, giving the other group the advantage to attack...


  3. Artemis held her hand up over her head. "Fire!", she called. The Hunters let loose arrows onto the sphinx.

  4. Akire, how do you get featured on the bar below the chatbox with Kaiyla, stella, zoey and others?
