Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Hunter-in-Training

Kaiyla stepped out into the bright sunshine and called to the camp. "We have a new hunter joining us! Zelia, do you pledge yourself to the goddess Artemis, turn your back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt?" The small, white-haired girl replied in a voice that seemed too loud for such a small person, "I do."
"Welcome, sister." Kaiyla said, smiling down at her. "You will be staying with Stella and Lily in the Tent of the Summer Breeze." She turned again to the crowd. "Zelia needs a mentor, someone to teach and guide her. Stella and Lily also need mentors. Here are the assignments:




A note: We need a healer/healer apprentice!!!!!! If someone would like to create another character, that's fine, but also please advertise!!! We need more members, although you guys are AWESOME!!!!!!! Thank you SO much for giving this blog a good start, and, as a special treat, I think that our lady Artemis might be coming soon to oversee the Hunt! If you guys have any other ideas for treats, post them under here.


  1. Brightstar/CassidyMay 2, 2010 at 8:30 AM

    Cassidy smiled at Stella, for she was now her mentor. She had always wanted an apprentice, and Stella looked like a promising young girl. (Lol) I'm going to teach her everything I know, Cassidy thought.

  2. Alannia grinned at Zelia.

    "Here's your bow and arrows," she said.
