Sunday, June 13, 2010


Is anyone here?

Monday, May 31, 2010


Artemis stood up and blew her hunting horn. The Hunters turned to look at their leader. Artemis spoke clearly, "I have been alerted that there is a sphinx in the area." There were murmurs from the crowd, but Artemis continued,
"For those who don't know, a sphinx is a creature with a female human head and a lion's body. They are very cunning and wily, and like to play mind games on people. Do not underestimate them. They are extremelly dangerous, and have many combat skills as well as mental ones. Be prepared!"
"There will be three groups," she announced, "One to lure the sphinx, one to follow it from behind, and another to catch it in front of us. The group to lure the sphinx will be Cassidy, who will lead, Zoey, Selene, and Stella. The one that follows from behind will be me, I will lead, Shiera, Rose, Jaycee, Zelia, and Sparta. The group that waits will be Kaiyla, who will lead, Alannia, Eliza, Leena, Lily, and Acadia.
We leave at dawn."

Saturday, May 15, 2010


In the afternoon, the camp was a busy place, as usual. Hunters walked back and forth, some with rabbits, birds, or baskets of vegetables in their hands. Some sat by the fire, roasting the game that they had caught or tending to the flames. Stella and Cassidy walked by, deep in a discussion about proper bow technique. Kaiyla stepped out of her tent, surveying the scene. All was well in the camp. Artemis will be pleased, Kaiyla thought contentedly.

Suddenly, a bright silvery glow appeared in the sky. Several hunters raised their heads to look at it, and soon the whole camp was shielding their eyes against the blinding light. A silvery chariot with intricatley carved sides and golden accents descended out of the sky. The chariot landed lightly on the snow, silver sparkles flitting from it and falling to the ground. Where they touched the snow, snowdrops sprung up from the frozen ground. Kaiyla stepped forward in awe.

A girl no older than thirteen walked lightly, almost floating, down on the chariot's silver steps. She had auburn hair that hung down her back in a loose plait, and silvery-yellow eyes the color of the moon. "My Hunters!", she called out to the camp, "For those who do not know, I am Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt." The faces of the Hunters were stunned, disbelieving. Kaiyla stepped forward and bowed to Artemis. The rest of camp followed suit.

"Oh, stop it!", Artemis blushed. "Three thousand years and I still don't get used to the bowing...", she muttered to herself. Kaiyla forced herself not to laugh, then stepped forward to Artemis. "M'lady, we have grown much in your absence. We have six new Hunters: Rose, Selene, Cassidy, Shiera, Zoey, and Alannia. We also have three hunters-in-training: Stella, Lily, and Zelia."
"Excellent!", Artemis said, surveying the crowd before her. "I would like to meet all of you."

Sunday, May 9, 2010


So, how do you like the new background????

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Hunter-in-Training

Kaiyla stepped out into the bright sunshine and called to the camp. "We have a new hunter joining us! Zelia, do you pledge yourself to the goddess Artemis, turn your back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt?" The small, white-haired girl replied in a voice that seemed too loud for such a small person, "I do."
"Welcome, sister." Kaiyla said, smiling down at her. "You will be staying with Stella and Lily in the Tent of the Summer Breeze." She turned again to the crowd. "Zelia needs a mentor, someone to teach and guide her. Stella and Lily also need mentors. Here are the assignments:




A note: We need a healer/healer apprentice!!!!!! If someone would like to create another character, that's fine, but also please advertise!!! We need more members, although you guys are AWESOME!!!!!!! Thank you SO much for giving this blog a good start, and, as a special treat, I think that our lady Artemis might be coming soon to oversee the Hunt! If you guys have any other ideas for treats, post them under here.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


"New maidens are joining the Hunt!", Kaiyla called, "Welcome Rose and Shiera! Repeat after me," she said, turning to the two girls, "I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis, turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt." Rose and Shiera repeated the pledge, and a silver mist rose from the ground, enveloping the two new hunters. Kaiyla looked proudly at them. We are growing each day...

Both of you will be staying in the Tent of the Snow!

New Members

"Hunters!", Kaiyla called out, her clear voice echoing around the camp. "We have new hunters joining us today: Cassidy, Lily, Alannia, and Zoey." She turned to the four girls standing in front of her. "Repeat this pledge, and join the Hunt: I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis, turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt." The four girls repeated the pledge, Zoey looking a little uncomfortable. A silvery mist swirled around the girls. "Lily will be a hunter-in-training for now, because of her age," Kaiyla announced, "and she will be in the Tent of the Summer Breeze. Cassidy and Alannia will be staying in the Tent of the Snow, and Zoey will be living in the Tent of the Stars with me. Thank you! You are dismissed."